
Ethiopia Washed ー Yirgacheffe kochere  | 200g エチオピア ウォッシュド

¥1,980 税込

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イルガチェフとは、現地の言葉で 「湿地とその草」 を意味します。



[Gorgeous aroma of jasmine, flavors of raspberry, cassis, lemonade and green apple]
The Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia is popular around the world for its gorgeous, fruity coffee.The Kochare district, located in the highlands, is known for its aromatic coffee production, and the livelihood of the farmers, who have a population of about 100,000, is mostly derived from coffee cultivation.
Yirgachev means "wetland and its grass" in the local language.
As the name suggests, the area is blessed with a rich source of water, making it an ideal location for producing high-quality washed coffee.
Located in the southern part of Ethiopia, the altitude is over 2000 meters, and there is a large difference in temperature between day and night.The land is suitable for growing high-quality coffee.
Among them, "G1 (Grade 1)" is made from only the raw materials that meet the highest standard "Q1" in the country's auction system, collected from about 680 farmers in the Kochare area.The gorgeous aroma of jasmine, flavors of raspberry, cassis, lemonade and green apple, and smooth texture will leave you enjoying the lingering aftertaste of this coffee.

生産国 Ethiopia
エリア Yirgacheffe kochere
精製方法 Washed
標高 1800-2200m
品種 Heirloom
焙煎度 中煎り

Lemonade, Jasmine, Orange, Muscat, Green Apple, Black Tea

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Yirgacheffe kochere
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1800-2200m
Variety: Heirloom
Roast: Medium Roast








※If the total amount of your order is 4,000 yen or more, shipping will be free of charge (in that case, delivery will be by SAGAWA).

※Normally, shipping will be by Letter Pack Light. It will be delivered to your mailbox, and you cannot specify the delivery date.
※The shipping fee for Letter Pack Light is 370 yen nationwide (per piece).

★If you are purchasing only coffee beans →
If you order up to 2 coffee beans per order (due to the maximum capacity of Letter Pack Light), we can ship them for the shipping charge of 1 piece.

★If you are purchasing only the drip bag →
If you order up to 8 coffee bags in one order (due to the maximum capacity of Letter Pack Lite), we can ship them for the shipping charge of 1 piece.

★If you purchase coffee beans and a drip bag together →
If you order up to 1 coffee bean and 4 coffee bags (due to the maximum capacity of Letter Pack Light), we can ship them for the shipping charge of 1 piece.

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¥1,980 税込
